Welcome to FLUTE, the longest-established internet mailing list relating to the flute. FLUTE was founded in 1996 by Larry Krantz, who ran the list until 2012 along with Nelson Pardee and John Rayworth, who together continued Larry’s work until 2022.

Andrew Kearney (Recently appointed list owner) is a flute player based in The Netherlands who is a design leader by day, and amateur musician in his spare time. With Nelson’s technical help, it is his job to manage FLUTE list, and is first point of contact for all questions about it.

John Rayworth (list owner emeritus) is an amateur flute player who has retired from his career as a Civil Engineer and Computer manager to concentrate his energies on flute teaching and practising. He lives in North West England (UK) near the City of Carlisle and the Lake District

Nelson Pardee (list co-owner) is an assistant pastor in upstate New York at imperfectchurch.com and a retired Information Technology professional (still enjoying technology!) His daughter played flute, and Larry Krantz and he started Flute back when email lists were new. He’s retired from active list management although he occasionally helps with technical and other issues. Though he does not play the flute, he treasures his many flute playing friends, including those met electronically on the list.