FLUTE is a forum provided for the use of its members. Postings are to be kept on topic, i.e., related to flute playing. While other subjects may be urgent, valuable, interesting, and perhaps musically related, FLUTE is not the appropriate venue for their discussion.

The list management team requests that message content be confined to flutes, flute playing, and specific flute teaching topics. General music topics are not appropriate (e.g., music theory, teaching methodologies, fund raising) unless they are about flutes. There are numerous other venues on the WWW devoted to non flute related topics.

Messages about list operation such as using list commands or computer “how to” should go to the owners at flute-request@listserv.syr.edu, as they are not flute related. When necessary, the owners will post any such information. Comments and questions about business deal problems, even if they involve flutes, are not appropriate for the list. Jokes (not flute related), personal chit chat or requests for email addresses or phone numbers are not appropriate.

We encourage free and open discussion within our subject area. If in doubt, please contact the owners at:


That address is the fastest way to get to us and we will respond to your question as quickly as possible.